
Gallery of Gabriella Bartlau, a Raku artist with workshop in Constance, Germany. On display are Raku tea bowls and objects.

Bill Bloom Arts

Bill is becoming a legend in the North Bay. His fearless style, and engaging smile make all who meet him want to buy his art.

Ficklefink Pottery

I am creative by birth, but an artist by choice”…Tammy Pease Nature’s elements…earth, fire, and water, make up the clay process. That is probably why I was drawn to it with such a passion.

Vicki Hardin

This site showcases the ceramic works of Vicki Hardin that are fired with pit fire and raku techniques. Here you may visit Vicki’s online gallery and find out where her work is shown.


“The Creative urge lives and grows,… like a tree in the earth from which it draws its nourishment. We would do well to think of the creative process as a living thing implanted in the human psyche.”